Comic: Morgan's Organs #2 - Craps
Release date: September 2017
Writer & Lettering: Daniel Brodie
Pencils & Inks: Robert Jennex
Colors: Tyler Kelting
Cover: full-color
Interior: full-color
Synopsis: A comedy comic book series that takes place inside our insides. What if there are micro-beings living within us who are responsible for the functioning of our inner body systems? They can influence our thoughts, our actions, and our urges. It's like Pixar's Inside Out but for grown-ups!
The Deal
Morgan's Organs #1-3 is on Kickstarter right now and I was asked to do a review of Morgan's Organs #1 and #2. I checked out the Kickstarter and the Morgan's Organs website that has an online preview of all three issues and decided to write the reviews. I got the PDF's and just finished my review of issue #1 a couple of days ago. Now here we are, back again for issue #2.
Here we are again with Morgan, who's trying to win a sure bet at craps. If he loses he gets kicked in the nuts by one of his friends. Pepe (the penis) is having none of it. He doesn't want to lose, he remembers how much it will hurt. The brain isn't worried. After all, it's a sure thing. The dice role and Morgan loses, but in a panic, and before any one of his friends sees the dice he swallows it. This gives Morgan a bad case of indigestion and the fun begins with his organs trying to decide the best course of action. Or better yet: what side do we send the dice? Up, down or do we keep it?The Story
This is when this issue really becomes good and funny. The organauts are all individuals which make up Morgan. I was slightly confused after reading issue #1 on why Morgan is left to his devices in the story. He seems bland compared to the organs, but that is because he's not the protagonist (as I'd thought before). The organs are and especially Bran (the brain) without whom the organs would all go their own way. He is the glue that keeps the story together.
Pepe is obviously worried that if the dice do go out he'll get kicked in the gonads and Meat (the stomach) isn't sure if he even wants to handle the alien device. All brain knows is that it's got to go. We get tangled up into a web of funny moments which reaches it's peak when we roaler coaster through the intestants. For me this story had more depth and really dove into the organauts characters.